Friday, December 4, 2015

New Sponsor Spotlight: Bikie Girl Bloomers, BREAD SRSLY, Enduro Bites

L.A.-based Bikie Girl Bloomers is "on a mission to help women incorporate bicycling into their everyday lives. We make it easy, with "normal" clothes that just happen to keep you both stylish and comfortable, on and off the bike. You can bike to work, bike to your dinner date, bike to yoga class -- all without changing your clothes." Check out their full line of bloomers, dresses, skirts, tops and more -- and if you're lucky, you'll win $59 gift certificate to go shopping! We'll also be handing out discount coupon codes that you can use online as well.  

Looking for delicious, gluten-free sourdough bread? San Francisco's BREAD SRSLY was founded by a rad, aspiring baking biker who expanded her business by pedaling her deliveries throughout the city. There's rolls, loaves and bread cubes in various flavors sold through their website (we tried their yummy bread for the first time through Good Eggsor at local shops. Thank you for the donation!

I'm a huge fan of Enduro Bites. I feasted on them while training and during my Paris-Brest-Paris 1200k ride this past August. Developed by Colorado-based endurance athlete Brian Maslach, these all-natural, gluten-nuts-dairy-soy-and-GMO-free energy bars are absolutely delicious! He sent us a box of their four awesome flavors: fig and dark chocolate; dark chocolate espresso; lemon cranberry and cinnamon blueberry. (I haven't tried Beta Red yet, their beet juice-derived hydration powder, but I'm going to add it to my list.) Thanks for the support!

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