I'm Jeremiah, and if you were at the race last year you remember me as the guy who barely managed to drag my scraping double trailer into the finish four minutes late. Last year I brought in 583 cans (about 640lbs). This year I'm better prepared and planning on bringing in lots more. i spent over $300 last year and had only one person donate $20. I can't afford to do that again. I've already had a few people give me monetary or food donations; I'm happily accepting both. Remember it's all for the food bank. if you'd like to help me out, contact me, my e-mail is: bfrog76@yahoo.com. This is also my paypal email. If you want to donate food or find me in person, I should be at Benders on Weds. night, December 2, after 9pm; and I'll be working a volunteer mechanic shift at the Bikekitchen(.org) on Thurs. from 6-9 pm. You can catch me before the race on Saturday, too.
If you want to help me out or participate in the race but are dead broke, I will need a small posse to ride along, help at the stores, and help with loading food. I couldn't have done it without my helpers last year. Thanks to all those who are coming out, donating and having some fun for the food bank this saturday. I'm looking forward to a great time with an excellently prepared race.

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